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Bismillahirahmanirrahim ..Ya allah berikanlah aku kesempatan waktu untuk memohon dariMu. Anugerahkan aku kejayaan dalam peperiksaan ini. Anugerahkanlah kejayaan kepada semua teman-temanku. Jangan ada antara kami yang sedihnya sendirian dan jangan kepadaku. Andai telah tertulis akan kegagalanku maka ubahlah menjadi kejayaan. Engkau Yang Maha Agung, mudah-mudahan A untuk semua subjek jadi milik kami..AMIN…


Monday, February 16, 2009

i miss you!

We walk at the beach together,
We run through the beach together,
He kiss me,
He hug me,
He said, ’baby, I’ll never leave you. I love you so much. Only you in my heart’
God! Only u You know how happy I am that time.
Yesterday too,
We walk at the mall,
Holding hand each other,
We look so romantic,
Everybody look at us,
You know why everybody look at us?
They are jealous of us.
We are such happy couple.
By 8 p.m.
He send me back,
He said, it not nice a sweet girl like me went home late at night.
Before he leave,
He kiss me again.
He said he going to miss me.
I said, ‘yeah! I’m going to miss you too.
Hope to see you tomorrow.
An hour after that,
He give me a text,
He tell me that he’s at home.
We start text to each other.
God! That night, I fill happy so much.
Before go to sleep,
He call me.
He said he miss me.
Yes, I do miss him too.
Only God know how much I love him.
We talk for more than an hour.
We didn’t know why we keep on talking till the time reach to 4 o’clock at the morning.
The next morning,
I leave him a text.
I said I miss him.
You know what?
I wait him to reply my message.
But, he didn’t reply my message at all.
I try to call him,
But it cannot be reach.
I wait until evening,
It is at 3p.m.
I receive a call from his parents.
I was shock!
They said,
Their Son is in the hospital now.
He had asthma last night after he call me.
I keep on crying.
I pray to God, hope that He not going to take him from me.
Every day, I went to hospital to see him.
Almost 1week,
He still didn’t wake up.
One day, the doctor said that he had a bad asthma.
I’m so worried if anything happen to him.
I love him so much,
And I don’t want to lose him.
Darling! Wake up please.
Don’t leave me here alone.
I can’t come to the hospital because I got to go to college.
I got test.
After finish my test.
There is 30 missed calls.
I’m so worried, because the call from his mom.
I called his mom,
But there is no answer.
So, I decide to go to the hospital.
Something that I don’t want to happen.
His parents said he has gone by the wine.
Oh my God!
I can’t accept it.
I still can hear his voice.
I still can hear his laugh.
I still remember his smile.
Now I know why the last night before he get to the hospital he always call and keep on text me.
Darling! I miss you so much.
Why you leave me.
You have promise right that not going to forget me.
Why did you still leave me?
God! I know there must be a reason why you take him from me.
Whatever has happen,
I know there must be a reason.
So I accept the faith.
May God bless him there.
Bye darling.
I’ll always pray for you.
*maaf yek if english sy x ok..just nak try2 jerk..

Thursday, February 12, 2009


kate org..lelaki adelh pelengkap hdup seorg wanita..ye ke eyh??
ntah la..aq nie da bosn ngan llki..agy2 ngan janji2 dyeorg..
hurm..nak kte aq nie lawa..xde r sgt..sweet n coml ad kowt! haha..(prasan dowl)
cbe korg bygkn..ble ad 3-4llki ske korg dlm 1 mse..kan leyh pusing ple..
hurm..tpi pde aq..jnji llki nie ssh nak cye..tau xnpe?cosz aq nie asyik kne tpu jerk ngan llki..
seceyh dowl..bengang pon ad gak ectually..tpi ntah la..aq xpnah trase nak jauhkn dri dri llki..
maksd aq xmo kwn ngan llki r..cosz dak lki nie slalu bg aq epy..kdg2 kwn ngan dak pompuan nieyh..skit ple..cosz kje dye nak beckp 24jam..pning..hehe..tpi aq still aq kakak syg la..hehe..
da kte kakakkn?? so msti la pompuan..hehe..aq syg sme kakak2 aq..haha..memandangkn aq pling mude..so aq anggp sme membe pompuan kakak r..hehe..(mude tpi mke npak mcm da mtg..haha..)

hurm..aq syg kwn2 aq..xkre lki or pompuan..2-2 aq syg..tpi aq xnak la roskkn p'shbtn nie ngan hanye sbb cinte..huhu..aq xnak jtuh cinte nagn membe2..t leyh roskkn p'shbtn..syg tuh..huhu..
hurm..ap point aq tlis sme nieyh eyh?? actually aq nak mtx pendpt kat korg blogger2..urm..ap nak uat yek ble ramai org skekn kte?? nak abaikn kew?? hurm..bru2 nieyh aq bru jerk reject sorg..huhu..membe aq gak..dak shuffle tuh..da r aq nie mmg ske dak2 shuffle..tpi dmi p'shbtn aq xmo r an..hurm..ap nak uat yek ble da jdi mc nie?? png la ple..
tpi papehl pown..aq nak abiszkn last paper dlu..
yeah! ecok..(oppsz..arini ectually..hehe) last paper..yeah! pasz nieyh leyh HOLIDAY!..
duh! kwn2 kuh syg yg kat lagenda..t aq msti windu korg...huhu..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


ya Allah..kenapa begitu kuat cintaku buat drinya..aq brdosa kpdMu ya Allah kerna terlalu mencintai lelaki bukan muhrimku..knape cintaku terlalu kuat buat drinya..
awk..pergilah dri ingtn sy..sy xnak terus2an tanggu dosa nie..sy xkuat..sy xsekuat org lain..sy harap awk hdir dlm hdup sy sbgai pelengkp edop sy..tpi awk pergi bile sy da btol2 sygkn awk..kn mudah kalau awk xpnh hadir dlm hdup sy..tpi 2lah yg dinamekn takdir..Allah nak duge hati sy..maafkn sy sbb still sygkn awk..sy akn cbe lpekn awk..2janji sy..sy akn cbe lpekn awk..klo awk bce bende nie..sy btol2 mtx maaf..sy janji xkn ganggu edop awk lgi pasz nieyh..slamat tinggal syg..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


bagaimana harusku luah,
xku tahu cara untk mentafsirnya,
apatah lg melafazkn dgn bicara..
hanyaku tahu,
aku merindukanmu..
septh kasih yg xinginku noda,
ku rindukn drimu..
secebis cinta yg terhalng,
ku amat rindukanmu

just nak luahkan..

makin hari, eiqa makin egtkn dye..sdgkn..eiqa nak sgt lpekn dye..eiqa xleyh tpu diri sendri yg eiqa xsygkn dye lgi..tpi mkin eiqa cbe lpekn dye..mkin kuat ingtan 2 buat dye..eiqa tau eiqa da byk ganggu edop dye..sbb 2 eiqa nak lpekn dye..eiqa cbe lpekn dye dri ingatan eiqa..tpi hati eiqa terlalu kuat buat dye..eiqa tau ap yg eiqa bwat nie salah dlm Islam..tpi eiqa da xtau camne nak jauhkn dri dri sme 2..ap yg eiqa leyh bwat skrg, sentiase egt kat Allah.. moga Dye bg kekuatan buat eiqa tok lpekn sme nieyh..skrg nie eiqa da elg dye..eiqa xnk ganggu dye agy..camne syg eiqa kat dye skalipon..dye da terlulis bukn tok eiqa..moga Allah kuatkn hati eiqa tok lpekn smenye..n lebeyh fokusz kat study n sentiase egtkat Tuhan jerk..

*sahabat, trime kasih sbb menyedarkn aku dari lamunan ciptaan dunia ini..